
Pre-loader documentation
  1. Create like above selected <div> structure
  2. Preload Main > Preload Logo Wrapper > Preload Grid > Logo
  3. Preloader Main (Style) -> width:100vw height:100vh -> Position: Fixed (z-index:9999)-> display: flex (align: center, justify: center)->change background color
  4. Preloader Logo Wrapper(Style) ->height:60px overflow:none
  1. interactions -> page trigger -> preload -> action (when page finished load)
  2. Create the interaction name like Preload.
  3. In preload create the actions a) preload grid -> move ->(Y=60px [initial state] Y=0px[action state])
    b) Preloader Main -> move ->(Y=0%[initial state] Y=-100%[action state])